Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Quick Update - Haemonculi Coven Army

You just have to love those new Dark Eldar models, eh?  I'm planning on ordering 5 Venoms and converting my 3 Vyper based Venoms to look more like the new constructs.  With Venom based lists being the new hype (as long as you don't play against IG), I figured I might as well up my Venom count in my standard list from 5 to 8. 

Pics Taken from http://natfka.blogspot.com/
You also have to love the new Grotesque, Wrack, Haemonculi and Talos models coming out soon.  It really has me thinking about switching over to a more Coven-themed army.  I don't know that I could ever get rid of my precious Ravagers, but something along these lines might be nice...

Haemonculi - 50+
Haemonculi - 50+

10 Grotesques - 350+
10 Grotesques - 350+

3 Wracks in Raider with FF - 100
3 Wracks in Raider with FF - 100
3 Wracks in Raider with FF - 100
3 Wracks in Raider with FF - 100
3 Wracks in Raider with FF - 100
3 Wracks in Raider with FF - 100

3 Ravagers with FF - 345

Comes out to 1745 which gives me plenty of room to upgrade the Grotesques and Haemonculi, and even some of the Wrack squads if I see fit. 

As a final note, I just wanted to remind you all that I'm posting more regularly on http://www.thediceabide.com so check it out and leave me some comments!

1 comment:

  1. Why only squads of three wracks, the multiple raiders seem a waste of points.
